The Happier Life Project
The Happier Life Project is a brand-new podcast to come from My Possible Self, the free mental health and wellness app, which has helped hundreds of thousands of users around the world manage their mental health and wellness journey, in partnership with The Priory Group. Life is stressful, full of ups and downs, pressures and worries… The purpose of The Happier Life Project is to dive into some of these obstacles, huddles, fears and reasons for distress and teach you simple, actionable tools and techniques, to help you on your way to living a happier life.
![Christmas Anxiety and the Holiday Dread with Joshua Fletcher](
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Christmas Anxiety and the Holiday Dread with Joshua Fletcher
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
Tuesday Dec 13, 2022
The holiday season (the period between Thanksgiving until the New Year) is supposed to be a joyous time, full of celebrations with family and friends. But for many people, "the most wonderful time of year"... tis’ the season to feel stressed and anxious.
It's normal to feel stressed or lower than usual at Christmas, especially if it's a time of year that brings back difficult memories or heightens or worsens any ongoing problems you may be going through. But there are things we can do to ease the stress and take the pressure off ourselves and there is no better guest than anxiety expert Joshua Fletcher to help us do this.
Joshua Fletcher is a psychotherapist and best-selling anxiety author, based in Manchester, specialising in the field of anxiety disorders and stress management. Chatting to host Gabby, Josh explains why we need to stop trying to create ‘the perfect Christmas’ and pleasing people when it compromises our own happiness. Josh also advises how we can deal with difficult relatives at family get-togethers and shares some tips on how to overcome anxiety at Christmas parties. He also stresses why it’s just as important to carve time out for ourselves, as it is to carve out the Christmas turkey.
For more on Joshua Fletcher:
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![Toolbox For Love with Alexandra Schelling](
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Toolbox For Love with Alexandra Schelling
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Building and maintaining a happy, healthy, long lasting relationship takes work. And sometimes we can close ourselves off from something that could blossom into a beautiful, satisfying union, by giving up too early when faced with challenges with our partner. To conclude the Happier Life Project’s relationship episodes, now we have looked at the areas that we struggle with the most when it comes to love, and what we can do about it. In this episode, we explore the key components to building a happy, secure and rewarding romantic partnership.
Alexandra Schelling, known online as Toolbox for Love, is a certified relationship coach who teaches others how to create a healthy, thriving relationship that’s built to last. Alexandra talks to host Gabby about the challenges she personally faced, including over four years of long distance with her now husband Denis, and how with work and effort she overcame these challenges, inspiring the birth of Toolbox For Love.
Alexandra shares some of her top strategies for good communication when it comes to navigating tricky conversations to break the cycle of repetitive problems. She also explains the importance of listening to understand your partner's needs, and facilitating regular ‘relationship checkin’s’. Alexandra breaks down what a healthy relationship should look like and cautions why seeking advice from external influences, like loved ones of self help blogs, can not always be helpful. Gabby and Alexandra also look at the main reasons why people end relationships too soon and go on to regret it, and how to avoid making the same mistakes.
For more on Alexandra and Toolbox For Love:
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![Heartache, Breakups and Coping with Separation with Adrienne Everheart](
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Heartache, Breakups and Coping with Separation with Adrienne Everheart
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
Tuesday Nov 29, 2022
When it comes to our mental health, the ending of a relationship and loss of a loved one can hugely impact our wellbeing.
Going through a breakup and experiencing strong emotional pain, and sometimes physical pain too, can leave us feeling vulnerable, deflated, stressed and lacking in motivation and energy. Especially when we can't seem to control our thoughts and feelings about that person, and keep replaying over and over again, all the memories and possible different case scenarios, as we try to come to terms with that person no longer being part of our life.
Experiencing feelings of sadness, low self-esteem, anxiety and loneliness is normal, and often comes with the territory when experiencing heartbreak. But it is important that we don’t slip into a space for too long where we isolate ourselves and become consumed by anxiety and depression, as the danger is this could trigger a mental health illness.
Adrienne Everheart is a certified dating and relationship coach, feminine energy therapist and author of the best-selling book, “500 Ways to Talk to a Man,” and the “ABCs to Get Him back” program. Adrienne has helped countless clients (mainly women), rebuild themselves after a break up and come to a place of acceptance and understanding that the relationship couldn't continue the way it was going.
Talking to host Gabby, Adrienne shares her thoughts on why after a breakup we often obsess over what could have been, rather than what actually was. Why the 'length of time' it takes someone to recover from their heartache is a personal journey, and how to communicate with well intentioned mutual friends, if the separation has affected your friendship circle.
Adrienne and Gabby discuss the science and correlation between depression, grief and breakups. Adrienne also explains why we need to embrace and learn from our past love/s and offers invaluable advice on how we can rebuild our life and self worth, so we can call forth the person we are meant to be with.
For more on Adrienne Everheart:
To Adrienne's love academy:
To download the free My Possible Self App:
![Sex and Mental Health with Kate Moyle](
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Sex and Mental Health with Kate Moyle
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
Tuesday Nov 22, 2022
When we start to explore the collaboration between sex and mental health, there are so many factors at play. An enjoyable, healthy sex life supports positive mental and emotional wellbeing. But on the flip side unenjoyable, or painful sex, can hinder our mental and emotional health increasing stress, depression and anxiety.
There is still a lot of stigma surrounding sex, which is why so many of us struggle in certain areas and do not feel comfortable enough to address it.
Kate Moyle, is a psychosexual and relationship therapist who specialises in working with those that are struggling with difficulties within their sex lives and sexuality. Alongside her busy therapy practice, Kate hosts The Sexual Wellness Sessions Podcast and is a regular media contributor on the topic of sex, relationships and sexual wellbeing.
Kate joins host Gabby to uncover some of the myths and taboo about having, and talking about, sex. They explore why there is still so much shame, fear and embarrassment surrounding the act, and why 'performance anxiety' is so common. Gabby asks for Kate's views on suppression and why many women find it harder to be open about their sexuality, and sex with your ex or 'friends with benefits' what that can do for our headspace, if both parties are not on the same page.
Kate explains how a healthy sex life, including self pleasure, supports good mental health. Whilst breaking down some of the ways a dissatisfactory or unpleasant sex life, can take its toll of our emotions and mental health. Kate also shares her thoughts on why we need to loose the term 'clean' when it comes to getting checked and how openly communicating with our partner is crucial to experiencing a happier, healthier and more fulfilling sex life.
For more on Kate Moyle:
To download the free My Possible Self App:
![Toxic Relationships, Narcissists and When to Walk Away with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman](
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Toxic Relationships, Narcissists and When to Walk Away with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Tuesday Nov 15, 2022
Continuing with our ‘relationship month’, this week’s episode zooms in on narcissists, narcissistic abuse and toxic relationships with Dr. Jaime Zuckerman, a global narcissistic abuse expert, licensed clinical psychologist and mental health media contributor.
Dr Z, as she is commonly known as, has helped hundreds of clients get out of seemingly impossible narcissistic or toxic relationships and has studied the behaviours of narcissists intently.
Dr Z teaches host Gabby about the traits and characteristics of a narcissist and shares why online dating and social media is such a playground for them. Dr Z also explains what kind of person a narcissist is drawn to, how toxic people, that bring toxicity into their relationships, are not necessarily narcissists, plus why it can take many attempts to finally get free from your abuser, but it is possible.
For more on Dr Jamie Zuckerman:
To download the free My Possible Self App:
![Communication and Dating Best Practices with Hayley Quinn](
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Communication and Dating Best Practices with Hayley Quinn
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Dating and communication with a partner, or potential partner, can be confusing and stressful... But if you’re armed with the right toolkit, then it can also be a lot of fun!
To communicate, is to express yourself in a healthy way. If you can do this when looking for your next romantic relationship, you will save yourself a lot of confusion and heartbreak down the road. Healthy communication also helps couples de-escalate a situation, staying calm under stress, seeing each other's points of view and becoming closer and more connected.
Hayley Quinn is a leading dating coach for men and women, on a mission to make dating great again. Talking to host Gabby, Hayley offers advice on the best way to communicate with someone when you haven’t heard from them in a while, what to say if you’ve been dating for some time and want to make it an exclusive relationship, and why not having ‘the spark’ straight off should not be a dealbreaker. Hayley also shares her concerns on when dating, or trying to date, is done as a form of distraction from dealing with uncomfortable feelings, emotions or a situation... and why Walt Disney has a lot to answer for!
If you are in need of some help to be better at communicating; either whilst dating or in a committed relationship, this episode is for you.
To download the free My Possible Self App:
For more on Hayley Quinn:
To pre-order Hayley’s debut novel ‘The Last First Date’:
![Online Dating, Ghosting and Attracting the Right Partner with Therapy Jeff](
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Online Dating, Ghosting and Attracting the Right Partner with Therapy Jeff
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
To kick off our 'relationship month' special on The Happier Life Project host Gabby welcomes Therapy Jeff, a licensed professional counselor based in Portland. Jeff has over two million followers on tiktok and hundreds of thousands of followers on instagram, thanks to his bite size relatable relationship focussed content, that more often than not goes viral.
Jeff and Gabby explore the joys and pitfalls of online dating, from meeting the person of your dreams to receiving an unsolicited 'dick pic' and everything in-between. The online relationship expert offers advice on how to spot the early red flags when navigating dating apps, he also shares his top 5 tips for attracting the right match for you, and Gabby and Jeff have some fun looking at the best, and worst, opening lines when it's a match!
To download the free My Possible Self App:
For more on therapy Jeff:
![The Ayurvedic Way to Live Well with Berta Couto](
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
The Ayurvedic Way to Live Well with Berta Couto
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Tuesday Oct 25, 2022
Ayurveda is one of the world's oldest holistic healing systems. Originating in India, Ayurveda focuses on whole-body healing and believes that a person’s dosha, made up from the natural elements of air, space, water, fire, and earth, are responsible for a person’s physiological, mental, and emotional health.
The term Ayurveda is derived from the Sanskrit words ayur (life) and veda (science or knowledge). Thus, Ayurveda translates to knowledge of life. Ayurveda believes by treating the root cause of a person's emotional, mental and physical imbalances using a comprehensive holistic approach that prioritizes diet, herbal remedies, exercise, meditation, breathing, and physical therapy; you will balance the mind, body and spirit.
Berta Couto is a yoga teacher and Ayurvedic practitioner that has intensely studied the human body, mind, and soul. She is passionate in her work to help clients release traumas through the body, bringing them back to a state of balance by prescribing a personalized 360º holistic health plan.
Berta explains to host Gabby the basic principles of Ayurveda and how you can learn to become your own doctor by listening to subtle signals from your body. Berta also gives a breakdown on the three main dosha types; Vata, Pitta and Kapha, giving an overview of each of their characteristics and behaviours. Plus Berta shares how and why the dosha's can become unbalanced and what signs we can look out for when we know our own.
To download the free My Possible Self App:
To work with Berta or for queries regarding an Ayurveda consultation:
![The Incredible Benefits of Yoga with James Rafael](
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
The Incredible Benefits of Yoga with James Rafael
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Tuesday Oct 18, 2022
Yoga is widely known for helping us to stay fit and healthy, not just on the outside, but on the inside too. The mental, emotional and spiritual benefits, as well as the obvious physical rewards, are plentiful; if you make yoga a regular part of your life. For many, we know yoga is great for us, but we don't quite understand how and why these amazing, magical things happen. In this episode of The Happier Life Project host Gabby talks to yoga, qigong and mindfulness teacher and youtuber James Rafael, to break down what happens in the body when we bend and twist into certain positions that can create such wonderful results.
James and Gabby also discuss the different types of yoga styles, how to get started on the mat if you're new to the practice, why it's important to find the right teacher for you, and the life changing effects it has had on them both personally.
Yoga builds muscle strength, boosts metabolism, helps in lowering blood sugar, has a beneficial effect on the immune system, improves posture, supports good digestion, increases flexibility, improves balance, helps manage stress, improves lung function, helps you sleep better, can release stored trauma from the body, boosts energy levels and helps improve self esteem... and that's just scratching the surface!
To download the free My Possible Self App: To work and practice with James Rafael:
![Learning to Love Ourselves & Build Self Compassion with Alex Bottomley](
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Learning to Love Ourselves & Build Self Compassion with Alex Bottomley
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Tuesday Oct 11, 2022
Somatic Therapist Alex Bottomley picks up where she left off in the previous week's episode by getting into the nitty gritty of how we can Learn to Love Ourselves & Build Self Compassion by becoming more connected to our body.
In this episode Alex demonstrates with host Gabby, a simple practice anyone can do to connect to stored emotion in the body that may need some compassion or to be released. Alex also talks about befriending our body and being grateful for what it can do, plus Alex and Gabby share and discuss some tips to give your self-compassion skills a quick boost.